***Be sure to follow our new blog of Chayah at home at:
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7:32 PM
Don't forget to follow updates of Chayah at home, and sister Sarah Lu, over at the new blog at:
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8:50 PM
Chayah is amazing! She is such an amazing girl and we all just love her so much! She is extremely happy. Happy about anything and everything it seems like. She is giggly, funny, and such a silly girl! She loves to laugh and tries to be funny all the time. Sometimes she gets a little upset, and when that happens, she whines.. and whines. But not too much, because most of the time she is smiling, giggling, and wanting me to hold and cuddle her. If you've ever heard the song "I think I'm gonna like it here" from Disney's Annie, it reminds me so much of Chayah! This is her attitude about so much. Everything is new and exciting and she is so happy with it! It is truly amazing to see! She loves to show affection and is almost constantly giving me kisses. Before I left for school the other morning, she had to give me four kisses- one on each hand and one on each cheek. She is such a sweetie!! She is doing really well with our dogs. Just last week, when she would be in someone's arms and the dogs would be on the floor in the same room, she would start screaming, crying, and be absolutely terrified. But, this week, she is walking all aorund the house, not paying any attention to the dogs. And she has even started to like them! She will now give them treats, throw their toys for them, and (the biggest one!!) she will go up and kiss them!! :) I am so proud of my girl! The one difficulty we have now is getting her to go to anyone other than me. Although she was fine with Mama and Baba in China, since coming home, she has decided to latch herself onto me and not want anyone else. She is getting better and loves her other two big sisters and will go to them without a problem. Going to daddy, and especially mommy, are pretty hard for her though. I know that she will want mommy and daddy only soon though, it will just take more time. I absolutely love that she loves me and I love her so much, but I also know that she needs to bond to mommy. Sarah is doing good, considering that her world has been turned upside down too. Jealousy is coming out, more than we thought it would actually. Sharing is not too easy to do! I am so proud of Sarah though! She is trying and is doing better and better everyday! :) Just a little over one week home, it is amazing to see how much she has already changed! Chayah is such a blessing! And we are so blessed to have our complete family of seven! :)
Now that Chayah is home, I will continue to post a few updates and photos on this blog, but mainly everything will be posted on what was previously Sarah Lu's blog, now to be my main blog, Mei Mei Adventures at www.meimeiadventures.blogspot.com
Be sure to follow as posting for both Sarah and Chayah will continue over THERE
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Jie Jie to Sarah Lu and Chayah Ru
5:21 PM
Posted by
10:36 PM
Just a very quick note to say that we just got home from the airport-- Chayah is home and doing great! She is such a sweetie and I am so in love! She has attached to me and is now always with me- sweetest thing ever!! It is so amazing to have her finally HOME!! I promise I'll try to post more, including pictures, later tonight after Chayah goes to sleep. ;)
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5:47 PM
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11:07 AM