We have chosen her English name! But, first I want you to guess what it is!
Here is the list of names we reviewed, under each person who suggested it!
Dad has suggested:
- Chayah, pronounced similar to"Kya", Hebrew meaning "Life".
- Liberty, Libby for short: this is what we almost named Sarah
- Elizabeth (after mom's mom)
- Ruby (after dad's mom)
- Olivia
- Abigail
- Violet
- Isabelle (although this is Sarah's favorite and may cause jealousy issues)
- Eleanor
- Nora
- Elspeth
- Theone
- Jada
- Adeline "Addie"
- Josephine "Josie"
- Lydia
- Ruthie
- Emma
- Jacqueline
- Julia
- Emmeline
- Charlotte
- Phoebe
- Mayah
- Nadia: it means "hope"
So, tell us which names (first and middle) you think we picked!
*UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who commented. Amazingly, everyone who commented got, at least, part of her name correct!!! And, Caitie, guessed it exactly right!
Nadia Chayah...(or vice versa)
Ruby Elizabeth after her grandmas!
Chayah Elizebeth
Chayah Liberty
Can't wait to hear!!! =D
=D! It was actually my Mom! =D
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